1- 6pm, Sunday, 10 October, 2010.
Richmond Pool, Gleadall Street Richmond (off Bridge Rd)
12.30 pm registration – all players must complete a VUHC form before playing on the day. Games start at 1.00pm sharp.
$28 per person, to be paid to your Club / Team manager.
All players must be current AUF/ VUHC members, go to either websites to join, this is a yearly fee.You must pay by Wednesday 6th October.No pay no play!
Players looking for a team need to contact their club representative.No one can just rock up on the day, you must be on a team list.If you need more information contact Kirsteen at krchook@optusnet.com.au
Each team will be expected to supply an experienced umpire.
At this stage there seems to be only 2- A Grade Teams so these teams will play a best of three series and scratch match of some description for any elite players.
B grade has 6 Teams so there will be 5 games in a round robin and a final.This may change but at the moment that is the go !
A draw will be forwarded as soon as everyone decides where the hell they are playing.