The VUHC held it’s AGM onThursday the 1st of May.
A new committee was elected with the following people taking on roles for this year:
President: Amy Barry-Macaulay
Vice President: Stephanie Goodrick
Treasurer: Martin Venter
Secretary: Camille White
General Committee: Alex Doughty (Communications Officer), Suan Adorni (Website & IT), Steven Taylor, Joel Hattie, Nina Barry-Macaulay, Zoe Canavan, Kevin Chisholm & Zach Harawira.
The VUHC would like to thank the outgoing president, Wolfy, for all his efforts over the last few years. We wish the incoming president Amy all the best in the role, and look forward to supporting her over the next year.
Attached are the minutes from the AGM.
Any questions, inquiries or submissions, please feel free to send the committee an email.